Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Standing Firm on my Two Little Feets

Hello World. How have you guys been doing? i have been wondering if anyone still reads my blog these days. But nevertheless i will still continue blogging for the sake of my fans out there. Nah i am just kidding about the fans part.

Its my break week, i had a good break and so now starts the assignment parts. Pray for strength and discipline. Went shopping at the city on Monday for Pearline's wedding present, was supposed to go on Tuesday, but in the end no one organize it, i wonder why. Anyway shifu, i got you this really cute ornament, i think you can find it in Singapore, but well its the thought that counts right?

Recently there has been quite a lot on my mind. Can someone actually not change and remain the same in his/her character or beliefs? I used to believe so, but as i grow up i realize it is not possible. I can no longer behave or act like what i used to be like 5 years ago, young, childish and hot-headed. I have to change.

Things are not so simple as it seems. Even in Christianity, the only simple part is the moment a person accept Christ, other than that everything else is complex.
Proverbs 9:6,7
"Leave your simple ways, and live, and walk in the way of insight."
As we mature as a person, and even in our faith, we can no longer live life so simply, but to really understand and make the right decisions after much thought in any situations.

In one week, God has answered so many prayers that i am really amazed! Thank God for being such a wonderful teacher and also for his Grace and Mercy.

Let us turn our bibles to 2 Corinthians 2:5-11.
This short passage is about forgiving the sinner. Here Paul says that when someone sins, it is not Paul that grieves only, but yet is everyone who knows of the person's sin, grieves with Paul.
Not only so, Paul also knows that the person who had sinned is feeling really guilty about it, because in verse 6 Paul said that such a punishment would be enough for the person.

So what are we suppose to do? We are asked to forgive and love that person. Paul actually beg the Corinthians(verse8) to love that person by re-affirming him. This is so that the person will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I can think of so many examples as Christians, we have rebuke a fellow brother or sister, but yet never really loving them after. This could be why we see christians nowadays giving up their faith after something "bad" has happen to them. When i say loving them, i do not mean just by thoughts or by words, but by actions. Most of the time, we pray for that person, or we just ask how that person has been doing, but never really taking any action to be involved in the person's life.

Christ when he taught us to pray in Matthew, he taught us to pray to forgive those who have trespass us. And if Christ is willing to forgive the person, are we not suppose to forgive that person too? When Paul said that he forgives is not because he forgives for the sake of forgiving, but for the sake of unity. If we are unable to forgive that person, there will be division, not just between the person and us, but even those around because they will start to take stands and have their own says. And Paul knows this clearly because he acknowledges that it is one of Satan's way of breaking the unity.

So i ask of those who have anger or are upset with people, learn to forgive and love them as Christ did, not because you have too, but because of the unity as a body of Christ that we may work as ONE to worship our God.

For those who are feeling guilty and upset. 2 Corinthians 13:4
we are all weak, even Christ himself was weak when he was crucified, but yet he was strong because of the power of God and He lives by that power. Never once did He doubt God, but was sure that God will carry him through. So even as we go through life's tough journey, let us remember we can do nothing by ourselve, but by God we can do anything.

Romans 8:1,2 We are no longer condemn, so do not feel guilty, but change and stand firm for Christ is our solid foundation.

I hope this serves as an encouragement to all.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Its been a long time...

Hey all! It has been a while since i last updated my blog, getting lazy these days. So hows everyone been? Hope you guys back in SG are doing well. Its been quite a journey these 2 months back here in Perth.

So many things God has taught me! The other day had a mini retreat and just focus on the book of Proverbs. There is so much depth in that book on wisdom. God has been a good teacher, discipling and guiding me as i walk life's journey.

School has been alright, just the usuals busy with assignment. Next week is the 2nd term break i am having. Its going to be a stressful week, catching up on studies and finishing up assignments. 6 More weeks, and school will come to a term end.

Oh guys, i will not be coming back this winter. Sorry ZQ and Rosemary & Raymond and Ava i cant make it for your wedding, if you guys need anything from Aussie just let me know and see if i can get it. Oh shifu! your wedding too! 3 more weeks!!

Other than school stuff, have been pretty busy with OCF too. Alot of things happen in just a few weeks. OCF have been a place, where i have learnt alot about myself, my flaws and where i have really learn to depend on God.

The one major lesson i have learn is credibility. It does not just apply to service, but also even when you study or work in the future. Without proper credits, people will not take you seriously, or even choose to ignore you. Everyone is different in character, so do not let what other people say about you put you down, but yet to continue to do what is right in God's eyes.

A verse to share with those who are going through emotional/self-denial periods.
Proverbs 18 : 1,2
Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;
he breaks out against all sound judgement.
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,
but only in expressing his opinion.

So do not isolate yourselve and think that you are right, but be open to yourselve and understand what people are trying to say.

Alright i am going off already, i will see you guys soon... i pray.

In God's Love