Spring is finally here! This is so exciting. I was really amazed that four weeks of school has just pass by. Now the term break is here, and i have a couple of things plan out for the week. Monday OCF is organising a trip down to Araluen botanic park to see the flowers bloom. Wee Foong dont worry, i will take photos and put it up here for your enjoyment. =p
Last week have been really tiring, i have taken over outreach and there are a few things i need to take over and plan out. Follow-up is something that i am not good at, so pray for wisdom for me that i will know how to do follow-up with unbelievers. If not i think God has really been good at teaching me to trust in Him for strength. I had two assignments due this week and still had to do other things, thank God the week went smooth.
Other than that, i think God has been teaching me to learn to plan my timetable. It really takes alot of discipline to plan out timetable and to follow it. At the same time, i am learning to surrender things to God. I was thinking like if we want to serve God, we will have to give up pleasures in Life, this may sound creche to you but its something i have been struggling with.
Now, OCF is really taking up quite abit of my time, meetings, prayers, gatherings. I realised that i have almost no time for other people. For example the past few times my flatmates went out for dinner, i really did want to join them, but there were OCF meetings or gatherings, so i could not go. So nowadays they would just plan things without me, so i do feel left out once in a while. At the same time, i already promise to serve in OCF, so i need to set my priorities right.
Saying all these does not mean that we have to serve and neglect our friends. I will always make time for them and i think we as christians have to be a light for the world, if we are just hanging around christian people, how are we to be a light? Vice versa, do not end up just joining them and neglecting our service to God.
This is my timetable for most of the weeks now.
Monday evenings - OCF LC meetings
Wednesday evenings - Mount pleasant Baptish Church (MPBC), small group meetings
Thursday evenings - Leader's Bible study discussions
Friday evenings - OCF meetings
Exciting right? i think it is, so can pray for wisdom to plan out my timetable and strength as i serve.
Moving on, i was planning to write a short article for BSC website, whats the mailing address again? It is on my quiet time and the book of Joshua (OCF bible study material for this semester).
I need sleep.
Oh ya peepz back in Singapore, sorry i have not really been catching up with you guys, been really busy this few weeks, so i will promise to message you guys if i see you on MSN, or just drop me a msn msg and i will get back to you as soon as i can. ^^
This morning's message at MPBC was good. The sharing came from Gal. 5:13-15. It was on us having freedom in Christ. The speaker was sharing about the law. He was saying that the law was not really just strict instructions from God, but it was God's way of revealing his character and love for us. God does not steal, God does not lie, neither does he commit adultery with anyone. He just loves us and in fact He gives us the best according to His will. He keeps his promise and will never forsake us.
The law is not about regulation, but it is about a relationship that God has with the Israelites. Looking at Exodus 19:4, this was the conversation that Moses had with God before he receive the 10 commandants. God was reminding Moses of what God has done for them, how He has carried them on eagles' wings and brought them to Him. God in v5 said, that if they will fully obey and keep His covenant, then the Israelites will be a treasured possession to God. God did not force them, but like a father to a child, want to have a relationship with them.
Now looking at Christ, Christ did everything that was in the law because He love God and because He knows God. how about us? Now that we are free because of Christ, and we have become God's children, do we do what God has set out for us? To love each other, to go out and be a light, to share His love? To what extend are we willing to step out of our comfort zone to make someone feel comfortable and see the love of God?
These are not easy questions to answer, the standard answer is yes, but it means to be taken granted for, to be used, to be tempted, to give up some of the things we enjoy. I am being abit extreme here, but it is good if we can reflect on some of the decisions we make and things we do.
Just something that i have to think about too. If you are free and have some thoughts on what i said, please do drop me some comments or questions i will try to get back to them asap.
I miss home, well i pray that everyone is doing fine. do keep me updated in things going on at BSC! Haha! Take care guys!