Wednesday, August 15, 2007


It has been a while since i last blog. I did not even finish the previous entry. Sorry but if you want to know the end to that entry, just ask me and i will try to share it to you. So how has everyone been? I bet all of you are already missing me, it is understandable. Everyone loves Bao.

Time flies, it has been three weeks since i left Singapore, i was missing home even before i left, guess i miss everyone just as much. God has been good, been doing well and trying to kick start back to school work.

This semester is going to be rather heavy and exciting, i will learn alot and yes shifu i will get my 3Ds. OCF is going to be a challenge too, taking up new roles and having to plan more things, i need to use my brain more often, i just realised that i can only do serious work for 1.5hours without break. After which i need an hour break before i can carry on.

Next week is AGM, i will be taking over the position as a outreach officer. The name sounds cool, but well i will need prayers. Pray i will be humble and learn to submit to God for wisdom to plan for events and how to reach out to people.

Just a short sharing from sunday message. currently mount pleasant baptist church is going through this theme on Amazing Grace. So the focus was on blessing. What does it mean to be blessed? The speaker was saying blessed means being distinctive in joy of experiencing the kingdom of God

God wishes to bless all of us but He does it in His own way. But sometimes we do question like why we do not have his blessings. Could it be because the "relationship" with him went wrong.? In the sense that we have turn away from God and though He still bless us, we are unable to tell.

When we turn away from God, we lose all sense of joy and the blessings that He gives us. This is because we try to take control of our own lives, thinking we can do better and not trusting in His strength.

The Holy Spirit is there to convict us of our sin and what we have done wrong, but it was never there to put us on a guilt trip, in fact, it was there to help encourage and strengthen our faith in God. Doing our quiet time helps us to listen to the spirit and learn to let it have control over our lives. For us to do that, we really have to learn to surrender all to God!!

Another point that hit me was why when non-christian come to church, why do they feel unwanted sometimes. It was because they feel like they are being 'judged'. We, christians sometimes look at others with judgmental eyes because they have not accepted Christ, or we feel or think that so and so will never accept Christ. Why did we accept Christ? not to judge but to share the joy of being saved.

Alright that is all for now good night guys and i hope to hear from you guys soon =)

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