Friday, May 23, 2008

A new idealogy

Hello everyone! Exams are drawing near for lots of people in Perth. Everyone seem so stressed. I was just thinking through my philosophy for life. It changes as one matures. At this stage, i have developed my own philosophy for life.

" I do not aim to do well, but to do my best in everything."

How did i come up with that? Well i was thinking about doing well in studies, doing well in service, doing well at work. I just want to do well, and when something wrong comes, i crumble and start whining. I get disappointed. People would always encourage you to never give up, but to keep trying and learn from mistakes. Thus i came up with that.

The higher ones' aim is, the harder the fall. But if you try your best in everything, you know where your limits are. When you reach your limit, you know where you can further improve yourself. Even if you fail, you know you tried your best, thus would want to even try harder.

This also comes with the idea that God is whom i worship. Because God is one that i wish to honor, thus i would want to do my best because i know He is there with me. My teacher and my source of strength.

To many, the line between doing well in everything and doing the best is very thin. I would say it is the attitude that would be different in both circumstance. If you did aim to do well, you do not, you would usually get very frustrated and disappointed with yourselve, and thus avoiding it all the next time it happens. Some may not, but most usually will.

Alright an update about me so far in Aussie land. I am currently staying with 2 other guys, Leighton Gan and James Ho. Leighton is a guy i met in OCF, while James is Lindy's bf. Leighton works in subway, so i have been eating loads of subways cookies! I am so going to put on weight in winter. Time to exercise!

There is a time for everything, from the book of eccs. Something i have been learning. To learn when to talk things of necessity, to know the right time to do things and the right time to serve. It comes with a lot of discipline (self control) and knowledge. I guess to give up something i enjoy doing, really teaches me that it is not me, but Gods'.

The other day i went for an evangelism talk, it kinda shock me. We were asked to think about a person whom we are trying to evangelize to and throw out some of his core beliefs. Then i was thinking to myself, there are so many people i have been trying to reach out too, but i never really knew or understand their core beliefs. It make me reflect about the way i do evangelism and the relations i build.

The talk was really good, man after that i was so on "fire". Not really to go out there to preach , but to give a talk on what i have learnt! Haha I will start praying if there is a chance i will give a talk to OCF or maybe YF about it. I need 1.5 hours. haha! its a workshop.

Alright thats all for now, see you guys soon. I miss Singapore food. ~~~

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